Childhood cancer can be treated!

"Life Without Leukemia" is the sole non-profit in the Republic of Moldova providing continuous support to children diagnosed with cancer and to their families.

Help for Ukrainian refugees

Being the sole association in Moldova that supports children with cancer, during these difficult times we considered it our duty to actively participate in supporting all children with oncological diseases who come to Moldova from Ukraine. We collaborate with the Institute of Oncology from Moldova, so that we can provide the maximum necessary support.


About us

The Public Association „Viața Fără Leucemie” (in translation meaning "Life Without Leukemia") was founded in late 2006, by the will of a group of parents whose children were diagnosed with oncological diseases of the blood and lymphatic system. The purpose of the Association was established right at the time of identifying its name, particularly to ensure to all children a life without leukemia, without cancer, without pain and suffering.

Childhood is the most beautiful and amazing period of life, when every child enjoys all the pleasures and happiness of new discoveries! Unfortunately, for some children and teenagers this period is less happy, because their joy is grabbed by the hardest disease of the mankind - cancer.


What we do?

The overall activity of the Association is meant to support children diagnosed with cancer admitted for treatment in the Pediatric Hematology Oncology Unit of the Oncological Institute of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the families who take care of these children.

Help to children with cancer

Help to children with cancer

We provide assistance to ensure optimal conditions in the hospital for the period of treatment.
See the projects
Help to families of children with cancer

Help to families of children with cancer

We understand the crucial importance of parents in supporting a child diagnosed with cancer and thus provide necessary help to these families.
See the projects
Help to the hospital

Help to the hospital

We provide assistance to ensure optimal conditions in the hospital for the period of treatment.
See the projects


All the activities are carried out exclusively from the funds raised through donations, sponsorships, grants and philantropic actions.

How you can help?

"Life Without Leukemia" is the sole non-profit in the Republic of Moldova providing continuous support to children diagnosed with cancer and to their families.

The activities are carried out exclusively from funds accumulated through donations, sponsorships, grants and philanthropic actions.


Donors and Partners

Activitățile desfășurate de Asociația „Viața Fără Leucemie” nu ar fi posibile fără contribuțiile generoase ale donatorilor și  susținătorilor noștri – persoane fizice, companii, întreprinderi și instituții. Cu suportul pe care îl primim, reușim să aducem mai multă bucurie și speranță copiilor cu boli oncologice din țara noastră, dar și familiilor acestora. Ne dorim ridicarea ratei de supraviețuire a cancerului la copii și în Republica Moldova, și putem reuși doar cu suportul donatorilor.



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