What we do?

The overall activity of the Association is meant to support children diagnosed with oncological diseases admitted for treatment in the Pediatric Hematology Unit Onco-Pediatric Unit of the Oncological Institute of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the families who take care of these children.

The Association carries out its activities exclusively from the funds collected through donations, sponsorship and philanthropic actions. We rely on the support of generous people who care and want to contribute and support these wonderful children to beat cancer, to return to their families and have a happy childhood!

Through our projects Box of Courage, Purse with Surprises, Doctor Clown, A Bookshelf with Hope, Laptops in the hospital we render to hospitalized children the joy of being a child, we strengthen their parents' hope that healing is possible and we help them to return back among healthy children as soon as possible.

We provide help to our patients also by creating optimal conditions for treatment in the hospital. In this way we contribute by procuring modern medical equipment, supplement the stocks of consumables for this equipment if necessary, intervene with help in the procurement of medicines that are lacking in hospital stocks and are necessary in the process of treatment. In addition, we are putting efforts for the creation of optimal conditions in the hospital unit for patients and their caregivers (parents or other relatives).

We understand the crucial importance of parents in supporting a child diagnosed with cancer and we provide help to socially vulnerable families to cope with the challenges related to this disease. Their role is decisive when the child is under cancer treatment, which is a very painful one, with many procedures, investigations and with multiple psycho-emotional effects.

Help to children with cancer

Help to children with cancer

We provide assistance to ensure optimal conditions in the hospital for the period of treatment.
See the projects
Help to families of children with cancer

Help to families of children with cancer

We understand the crucial importance of parents in supporting a child diagnosed with cancer and thus provide necessary help to these families.
See the projects
Help to the hospital

Help to the hospital

We provide assistance to ensure optimal conditions in the hospital for the period of treatment.
See the projects

Schimbări sistematice

According to WHO findings, each year, approximately 400 000 children and adolescents of 0-19 years old are diagnosed with cancer. In high-income countries, where comprehensive services are generally accessible, more than 80% of children with cancer are cured. In low- and middle-income countries, an estimated 15-45% are cured. The current medical system of the Republic of Moldova, where in 2020 every 4 days a child was hospitalized in the Oncological Institute being diagnosed with a form of cancer, is not able to provide early diagnosis services of leukemia - the most common type of pediatric cancer. Given the absence of a Childhood Cancer Registry in Moldova, the exact cure rate is not known, the publicly presented statistics being based only on approximate estimates.

As an association of parents whose children have had cancer, knowing all the difficulties and consequences of cancer treatment in children, we want to help improve the situation related to the early diagnosis, treatment and care of children with cancer in Moldova.

Proiecte internaționale

- Creșterea rezilienței psihologice a persoanelor ce oferă suport copiilor cu cancer - Swiss Cooperation in Moldova
- Consolidarea capacităților organizațiilor societății civile cu susținerea ERIM în Moldova - IREX Europe
- Asistarea ONG-urilor din Moldova în sprijinirea refugiaților ucraineni – Etapa II/III - APSCP HELP
- Parteneriatul estic – programul de Solidaritate împotriva covid-19 - PIN Moldova

Annual Reports